Latest Episodes

The Only Legal Requirement
(S01E06) The Only Legal Requirement, what it's like to be there, our own experiences and out feelings over our first death experience. Daisy Dialogues...

The Main Event
(S01E05) The Main Event: Aka The Death, what it's like to be there, our own experiences and out feelings over our first death experience....

Magic & Miracles
(S01E04) Magic & Miracles: This episode comes the unique timing of things, looking at the unexpected and all those magical stories. Daisy Dialogues covers...

Where's The Password?
(S01E03) Where's The Password?: Covering sharing information that is not commonly shared, things to talk about when you still have the opportunity and nothing...

Mummy Can I Come?
(S01E02) Mummy Can I Come?: With guest 'Jordan', we talk about children and their place when it comes to losing a loved one. Should...

To Be Or Not To Be... There
(S01E01) To Be Or Not To Be... There: Looks at how everyone sees this moment differently and "Never let the fear of striking out...